Monday 20 April 2009

Bribery or Reward

Not sure if I agree with the ideas reported in this article. To summarise people who are presenting health risks to themselves are being offered financial incentives to change their habits. Obese people offered bribes to lose weight, and smoking mothers given food vouchers, for giving up whilst pregnant! I reckon I could probably break my chocolate addiction if I were paid in shoe vouchers, but really is this a good use of tax payers money?
I guess either way they are costing the health service money -either by the additional expenses of treating disease associated with their bad behaviour, or we give them money to help them kick the habit.
Is this very different from the stories reported years ago of taking children who were at risk of playing truant, to theme parks if they went to school?? What did the kids get who always went to school? Nothing.
This is a very twisted way to live, when those that are looking after their health, going to school, etc, are not rewarded, but those within a risk category, offered incentives.
Doesn't this just teach us to play the system? rather than take responsibility - yes a common theme of my blogs, but it just seems so straight forward to me. You behave well, look after your health, go to school etc, because you want to, and can see the benefit of this kind of behaviour, rather than do the opposite and then wait for someone to say " if you stop doing it, we will reward you" " hey thanks very much".
Sorry, but it all stinks, quite literally. Apparently the obese put a greater strain on the transport system, we are now eating more meat, hence increasing production of greenhouse gases etc. How about a party for all the non smoking, non-obese population, who aren't draining our resources. (with lots of non-alcoholic punch of course!)

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