Friday 17 April 2009

Body Modification

It seems to me, that the biggest issue with body modification that makes it come under the heading of "being bad" is that non bodmods find the images difficult to stomach. Also the connection that has been made between people who tattoo, pierce etc and unlawful behaviour. Of course this is totally unfounded as those who break the law come from all backgrounds.

The website listed above covers the"whys" of body mods from a different angle and the photo came from a bodmod site.

If we indeed live in a free society, what people do to themselves should be their free choice, without having to be judged by those around them. It is easy to make assumptions about why people do what they do, and that includes people that choose to pierce, engage in cosmetic surgery, etc, but each person may have their own unique reasons for their behaviour.

Once I get beyond the shock of the piercings, etc, I find myself intrigued by what they have created of themselves, just like looking at a work or art. You might not like the painting or want to have it hung in your living room, but you can still admire the artist and their creativity.

As an animal humans have always pushed the boundaries, explored, etc, and some of the greatest inventions are the result of our curiosity. Is this anything different?

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