Thursday 30 April 2009

Swearing and Stand Up Comedy

It is interesting to look at how comedy is closely linked with the taboo, and in particular bad language.
But Frank Skinner is among the first to try to determine whether bad language is instrumental to comedy. His conclusion was that actually its funny without the bad language.
"I don't want people using so much swearing that there's a blanket ban because there won't be then any room for the clever swearing - the beautiful, eloquent swearing," he said.
Is it because bad language has now become common place, and acceptable, that it doesn't get the laughs anymore, unless it goes that step further, infact its more the material that now has to stoop to new lows, rather than the language that is used.
Frank,s moves to reduce the swearing in his act, seems like the voice of reason, at last, or is he just getting middle aged and dull? Does comedy have to shock to be funny, I think not, some of the best jokes are just the silly ones, and the best comedians, the Tommy Coopers of this world, who get the laughs before they even say a single word, now they are the really funny men.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

in response to Kate's Blog, Violent Video Game

this is also something which concerns me, the fact that the more we are exposed to things like this, allowing young children, to shot people, cut off their heads etc etc, we become desensitised to the reality of the action.

All to often it is reported in the news that violent crime has been commited after playing such games, and yet there seems to be very little control over what game companies are allowed to produce.

I guess one argument could be that this sort of over the top violence is no different to what we used to watch as kids in "Tom and Jerry" cartoons, but then it was so riduculous we knew it was fantasy, and in the next episode there they were again, right as rain.

These games are too close to reality, so that eventually the line between that and fantasy gets blurred.

There is great discussion about whether these games encourage violent behaviour in real life, and whether they should be banned or not, but no-one asks the question "What sort of sick individual thinks it might actually be fun to make a game where people rape, murder etc?" A reflection of our society. SICK

Monday 20 April 2009

Bribery or Reward

Not sure if I agree with the ideas reported in this article. To summarise people who are presenting health risks to themselves are being offered financial incentives to change their habits. Obese people offered bribes to lose weight, and smoking mothers given food vouchers, for giving up whilst pregnant! I reckon I could probably break my chocolate addiction if I were paid in shoe vouchers, but really is this a good use of tax payers money?
I guess either way they are costing the health service money -either by the additional expenses of treating disease associated with their bad behaviour, or we give them money to help them kick the habit.
Is this very different from the stories reported years ago of taking children who were at risk of playing truant, to theme parks if they went to school?? What did the kids get who always went to school? Nothing.
This is a very twisted way to live, when those that are looking after their health, going to school, etc, are not rewarded, but those within a risk category, offered incentives.
Doesn't this just teach us to play the system? rather than take responsibility - yes a common theme of my blogs, but it just seems so straight forward to me. You behave well, look after your health, go to school etc, because you want to, and can see the benefit of this kind of behaviour, rather than do the opposite and then wait for someone to say " if you stop doing it, we will reward you" " hey thanks very much".
Sorry, but it all stinks, quite literally. Apparently the obese put a greater strain on the transport system, we are now eating more meat, hence increasing production of greenhouse gases etc. How about a party for all the non smoking, non-obese population, who aren't draining our resources. (with lots of non-alcoholic punch of course!)

Friday 17 April 2009

Body Modification

It seems to me, that the biggest issue with body modification that makes it come under the heading of "being bad" is that non bodmods find the images difficult to stomach. Also the connection that has been made between people who tattoo, pierce etc and unlawful behaviour. Of course this is totally unfounded as those who break the law come from all backgrounds.

The website listed above covers the"whys" of body mods from a different angle and the photo came from a bodmod site.

If we indeed live in a free society, what people do to themselves should be their free choice, without having to be judged by those around them. It is easy to make assumptions about why people do what they do, and that includes people that choose to pierce, engage in cosmetic surgery, etc, but each person may have their own unique reasons for their behaviour.

Once I get beyond the shock of the piercings, etc, I find myself intrigued by what they have created of themselves, just like looking at a work or art. You might not like the painting or want to have it hung in your living room, but you can still admire the artist and their creativity.

As an animal humans have always pushed the boundaries, explored, etc, and some of the greatest inventions are the result of our curiosity. Is this anything different?

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Dole Dossers

I know this is hardly the PC thing to say, but people that sponge off the state, and have no intention of doing a day's work are leeches on our society.

I think everyone knows of someone who is cheating the system, claiming benefit they don't deserve, or just claiming dole every week making no effort to look for a job, but we all just accept it as a way of life, in the UK, WHY?

I recently saw a Facebook group called "Get off your Ass and get a Job", but it had no postings for months and only a handful of members compared to groups for people who were fans of cherry drops, or love hearts sweets; membership goes into thousands!

David Cameron's plans to make the long term unemployed use their time more usefully than watching daytime tv, and give something back, I think are great, and he should be applauded. If these people are genuine about getting a job, they surely won't mind doing something that contributes to society and the place that we live rather than just take, and give nothing back.

There is lots of talk about pride etc, well I for one, would rather go to work everyday, no matter what I did, and earn a living, than think I am entitled to one, but do nothing to earn it. Where does this idea come from?

I lived in Hong Kong for 5 years, and state benefits didn't exist. Consequently people went to work, and put money back into the system and economy, and the economy thrived. People didn't expect to get something for nothing, they worked and if they were too old to work they looked after the children, everyone played their part in making the whole place work and function.

But why bother, when you get fall out of bed at 10am, get dressed at 12pm, and hey presto every 2 weeks money magically appears in your bank account. What a joke!

in response to "Naughty but nice - Proud to be British"

I am in total agreement with this blog re patriotism and infact it attempts to answer many of my questions about bad behaviour that stems from having no pride in the place that you live in.

And I think taking racism out of the discussion on patriotism is essential, as the two issues are so far apart.

But to throw a spanner in the works, I would go one step further to say that I am proud to be English, not British. British seems so indecisive, lets sit on the fence and not really put our allegiances in any one particular camp, but NO, English I am, and proud to be so. The Scots, Welsh and Irish all have their identities, traits, etc, and so do we.

Can anyone explain why St Patricks Day is celebrated with such gusto, but St George's Day passes without a mention? Is it a result of this association with BNP, facists etc, that the English have, are we afraid that it might be un PC to wave the St Georges Flag, for fear of upsetting someone, or is it that we just can't be bothered to make an effort.

I for one, am ready to stand up and be counted, proud to be English, and part of this rich culture.

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Anti Social Behaviour

My journey home today on the bus, provoked me to investigate anti-social behaviour. a group of young people played music on their ipods/phones, for most of the journey through the speakers, (not headphones) and were generally rowdy, so that it was difficult for other passengers to concentrate on anything that they might have wanted to do; I struggled to read a book, and if I had wanted to have a conversation with one of my fellow passengers, it would have been impossible. I wanted to stand up and ask them to, at a minimum turn off the music, but fear of retaliation stopped me. I felt that I was almost being driven off away from travelling by bus because my journey has become so stressful.
I congratulate the attempt that the government is making to combat this type of behaviour, but I always come back to the same question - why is it that certain elements of our society have no conception of how their behaviour affects others.
Can anyone answer this simple question?

Saturday 4 April 2009

Famous for Being Famous

Sorry for not following the sheep, by saying "what a terrible shame etc" but at least now that she has been laid to rest, our newspapers, media etc, might concentrate on perhaps more important matters, such as world debt, terrorism, poverty - the list goes on.

I will be glad to open a newspaper soon and not see her face on the front. Yes of course it is a tragedy, but how many other women have had this experience without having to turn every day into a circus

Instead of bringing to our attention the horrors of cancer, screening processes, possibly lowering minimum age of screening etc, we just got pics of her mum in her pyjamas, and stories of Jack, and whether he would or would not get a custodial sentence PLEASE

Goody tells mum to get teeth fixed to look her best at funeral”
She was ever the dental nurse to the end. ( Sorry found this clip and just couldn't resist - still considering the media, even on her death bed!

Can we go back to people being famous for doing something worthwhile? Finding a cure for cancer? sporting achievements?

Thursday 2 April 2009

Growing Old Gracefully

I too am in total agreement with the general sentiment about age, and plastic surgery. It is up to the individual to decide whether or not to have plastic surgery, but if anyone saw the Red Nose does the Apprentice and Ruby Wax she looks as though she is some sort of plastic toy - is that why they call it plastic surgery? Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder.
We have become a society in the West where people have started to judge each other on looks rather than the person - beauty is only skin deep etc etc, and the media bombard us with "beautiful people". What about showing us people as they really are and concentrating on what they do, rather than what they look like???
As for parents paying for plastic surgery as gifts for their kids - come on , that is just nuts! So we buy our daughters new boobs, but then they say they don't like their nose, their bum is a bit big - where does it stop?
Can't we just be happy with who we are, and concentrate on the important things in life - I will let you decide what they are.....

Legalising Drugs

While I don't agree with all of the 10 reasons that are made here for legalising drugs, there are some interesting points made.

I believe that we should all be allowed choice in our lives and that includes what drugs we take. However by having choice does not mean that we are not held responsible for our actions. Alcohol can cause people to behave in ways that are hurtful to others - is a drug addict that steals to fund a habit any worse than an alcoholic who regularly beats their loved ones whilst drunk?
However can we definitely say that when we are under the influence of drugs (and I always include alcohol under this heading) as we certain that we still retain choice - or are the drugs controlling us? If the taking of drugs leads us to behave in a way that is "bad" and we later reflect on that behaviour - if we can remember it - then we need to consider whether drugs are giving us choice or actually taking it away from us.
I have got drunk and done things that I later wish I hadn't and for that reason, stop at the "Merry Stage" so that I am still in control. This is not because I don't want to have fun, it is because I want to have choice in what I do. I see drugs as an extension of this and that is why I said I would take LSD in a controlled environment; before the experiment I could explain very clearly under what circumstances I WOULD CHOSE it to stop.
It finally comes down to responsibility, not just choice.