Tuesday 7 April 2009

Anti Social Behaviour

My journey home today on the bus, provoked me to investigate anti-social behaviour. a group of young people played music on their ipods/phones, for most of the journey through the speakers, (not headphones) and were generally rowdy, so that it was difficult for other passengers to concentrate on anything that they might have wanted to do; I struggled to read a book, and if I had wanted to have a conversation with one of my fellow passengers, it would have been impossible. I wanted to stand up and ask them to, at a minimum turn off the music, but fear of retaliation stopped me. I felt that I was almost being driven off away from travelling by bus because my journey has become so stressful.
I congratulate the attempt that the government is making to combat this type of behaviour, but I always come back to the same question - why is it that certain elements of our society have no conception of how their behaviour affects others.
Can anyone answer this simple question?

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