Wednesday 4 March 2009

Music Free Buses

Why do people think that everyone wants to listen to acid/garage/house (or similar eardrum splitting melodies) at 7.30am in the morning on their way to work. I wonder if
1. they think that because it is being played through headphones no-one else can hear
2. they don't even consider the experience of their fellow travellers.
I sit quietly trying to do the sudoku, whilst listening to 3 different people's Ipods, none of which are playing anything that I either recognise or indeed has lyrics or a tune. I guess the answer would be "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" but don't I have rights too.
Still it could be worse, I once had to suffer 2 lads playing sex videos through their mobile phones to each other, which were loud enough that you could hear the action. They had no consideration for the fact that the rest of the passengers perhaps did not want x-rated bus entertainment, nor the fact that there were children and pensioners on the bus. What happened to respect for our elders?
It seems that we live in a country where people seem so interested in their own needs/wants that anybody else's rights aren't even on the radar. They are so pre-occupied in their own lives that they don't consider anyone elses. If everyone used the simple "do unto others, as you would have them do to you" the world, (or at least the No 70 bus) would be a much happier place.
Maybe Ken Livingstone has a point.

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