Monday 16 March 2009

Fly-Tipping, Wrong Doings

In response to Josephine's blog on people dumping rubbish in the countryside I have a number of points to add.

1. this is just the same sympton of a society that drops rubbish out of car windows, instead of putting it in a bag and taking it home with them. I was brought up by a mum who always took rubbish home, and wouldn't dare to drop a sweet wrapper etc, so would have my pockets full instead. Is it because people don't see their environment as being part of their "home", think its someone else's job to clear up, or don't they care? the "someone's else job" response just goes back to a number of blogs on responsibility, and people's inability to take responsibility for their own actions

2. It is more than just the view that they are spoiling, but also the danger that rubbish poses to wildlife - but hey why should they care. Hopefully our children may be better educated to understand the damage that rubbish can do.

3. Our council has an excellent rolling rubbish schedule and regularly come round to collect large rubbish that you cannot leave in the bin, furniture etc, it is well publisized, and if you don't mind the embarassment of being caught also serves as an excellent opportunity for recycling - if you get up early you can see what other people have left and save the bin men a job!

There are no excuses for it, its laziness, in a "i'm alright" society

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