Thursday 19 February 2009


Saw this article yesterday, and whilst what this person did was illegal - which goes beyond bad, it does throw up some interesting points regarding lying generally.Is it more or less bad to lie on behalf of another, should we ask someone to lie on our behalf.Who hasn't asked someone else to answer the phone and then tell the caller that you are not around, when you are, or asked someone to call your work to tell them you are sick, when you are just hungover? Who is in the wrong here? the person doing the lying or the person who has asked their friend to lie on their behalf? These are all white lies, and won't hurt anyone ... will they??How about tradesmen who constantly tell you that they are on their way when they are still in the middle of a job, or partners/friends who say they are just having their last drink, and then come home 4 hours later? Is it less harmful to say, well actually No, I won't get to do your job til next week, or No I am not coming home, I'm here til closing time? Personally, I believe the truth is an easier pill to swallow, than finding out later that it was all lies.

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